
11 years old, Labrador x Collie
Runner Ups
Transformation Applicants
Special Mentions
Transformation Applicants Journeys
View each of our applicants health transformations from the past 5 weeks below. See how their health has each transformed with the help of our Green-lipped Mussel Supplements

10 months old, Labrador
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At just four months old we noticed a limp in Winnies front left leg. We took her to get x-rays and had her on strict rest to see if there was any improvement. It was confirmed that she was likely suffering from elbow dysplasia, and as she gets older she will likely suffer from arthritis too.
We can see a significant difference in the way she moves compared to her sister. Winnie is a lot more careful with her movements and is very purposeful when she walks/runs. We have tried her on green-lipped mussels and can already see a significant improvement in her motion.
We are hoping these products will continue to give her the relief she needs and help give her the best start possible to a healthy and comfortable life.
Week 1 Update
“The biggest noticeable change so far in Winnie is her coat. As she is still so young, her coat was already very soft but the shine on her now is amazing. In terms of mobility so far we haven't noticed a huge difference yet but feel that this will come with time.”

Week 2 Update
“Winnie is doing great this week, had her sister over to play for a couple of days and I was so happy that she wasn’t broken after all that puppy play! She seems to be coping with longer walks much better now with a quicker recovery and turnaround.”

Week 3 Update
"End of week three and honestly it’s like a switch has clicked into place with Winnie.
She can run! She can almost keep up with the other dogs, but the best part of it is that she isn’t struggling to do it. She doesn’t look uncomfortable doing it, just so happy and content.
She can pull herself up banks with such ease, and her downhill confidence has improved so much. Down time after walks is now not such an issue and she is comfortable walking 3-4 times a week, 5k or so. Previously she was only managing 1-3 walks a week with several days rest in between.
She has been for a few swims this week too, out at the duck pond and on our walks, I was a bit worried about her getting cold and her joints stiff afterwards but it’s been a non-event. Couldn’t be happier with how she’s progressed over the last week!"

Week 4 Update
"We took on our biggest physical challenge so far - an 8k walk with a 350m incline - Te Mata Peak. I've wanted to do this with Winnie since I have had her, but I've been worried about how much it could hurt her and if she could even physically do it.
With such a significant improvement after three weeks on the products, I thought we would give it a go. I opted to go without our other dogs so she could experience it all without the carnage that comes with walking with two other dogs. She was amazing. The best part about it all - was she needed no downtime the next day, she was up and off with the others for a walk with no issues.
I honestly couldn't have even imagined doing this walk with her a month ago, let alone with no downtime needed. I am so excited for her future, and the potential for adventures in the mountains just like her mum has done. Even if she doesn't do well in this campaign, you have a customer for life with us"

Week 5 Update
"I am actually just so stoked we entered this campaign and were given the opportunity to trial these products. She has had no issues with the products or any reactions throughout the time she's been taking them - typical Lab!
We have all really enjoyed having a "normal" puppy finally, one where we don't have to be as careful where we take her or the type of activities we plan to do in case she can't do them/suffers the next day. If you're on the fence about this product - take the leap and try it! It has legitimately changed my puppy's life."

10 years old, Border Collie
Trick has a congenital deformity of his lumbar sacroiliac joint which has caused him to have multiple areas of arthritis. Unfortunately he isn't able to have any NSAIDs due to his tummy and kidney problems which is resulting in his hips and shoulders causing him a lot of pain.
We believe with the help of these supplements he will be able to live a comfortable and full life.
Week 1 Update
“So far I have noticed Trick has a softer and shiner coat and seems to be shedding less hair. He seems to be liking both products and will lick his bowl clean with each meal. I have noticed he has started to move more freely and am looking forward to seeing how much more this will continue over the coming weeks.”

Week 2 Update
“Trick appears to be moving much freer this week and his coat is amazing, shiny and soft. He has so much energy and seems a lot happier within himself.”

Week 3 Update
"I'm pretty impressed with his progress this week. His right shoulder and hip had severe muscle atrophy before, but now it has muscle, his coat also looks fantastic and his gait is so much better. He is much happier within himself and has lots of energy"

Week 4 Update
"This week sees Trick moving very happily and freely his coat is the best it's ever been and he doesn't shed so readily. Even his balance is better when peeing, he is a very happy comfortable boy"

Week 5 Update
"Trick has had a huge improvement in his mobility, and even has a softer and shinier coat that doesn't shed or know as much when brushed. His energy levels are fantastic. I am very impressed with how he has improved across the past 5 weeks. What a fantastic journey this has been."

11 years old, German Shepard
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Qiuqiu was just two years old when she tumbled down a mountain causing her to injure her hind leg. Even after surgery she never fully recovered and now also suffers from other common joint issues common in German shepherds.
We are hoping that with the help of these supplements she will have a better range of motion and be more comfortable.
Week 1 Update
“Since Qiuqiu started taking the MP oil, her fur has noticeably become shinier and healthier. Given that Qiuqiu is already 11 years old, she was showing less interest in going for walks than she used to. However, since starting the powder she eagerly anticipates her daily walks and enthusiastically runs around with her friends at the park.”

Week 2 Update
“Qiuqiu has had a slower week this week due to not feeling well. She is taking some time to ensure she gets the rest she needs to recover.”

Week 3 Update
"Qiuqiu has been diagnosed with an anal sac adenocarcinoma, and is currently awaiting surgery. She has been doing well this week though. Normally she can be a fussy eater but is loving her good now mixed in with the MP Oil. We are trying to limit her exercise as much as possible for the mean time."

Week 4 Update
"Qiuqiu has been doing fine this week, and eating well. She has her surgery on Monday so we have been limiting her exercise to help her rest."

Week 5 Update
"Qiuqiu underwent a surgery for her anal sac adenocarcinoma on Monday. We are very happy to say her surgery was a success and she is now recovering."

11 years old, Labrador x Collie
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Noah suffered from a broken elbow at just 12 weeks old and was diagnosed with arthritis at the age of three. Now almost 11 he has a very limited range of movement which is causing him to gain weight.
We have previously tried him on medications, joint injections and a range of supplements, but nothing has given him long term relief. We are hoping that these supplements will give him the relief he needs to be more comfortable.
Week 1 Update
“Noah used to just lie around and sleep, mostly never too keen to move around. Since being on the powder and oil people have said they are noticing him being more active, going to greet other dogs, and walking around more. It is slow progress as he still struggles to move sometimes, especially when he first wakes up, but is progress nonetheless. He loves having the supplements added to his meals and is licking the bowl clean with each meal.”

Week 2 Update
“He is so excited every time I get ready to prepare his meal. You will see him in the video waiting patiently as I sprinkle the powder over his food. Despite not having taken the oil, his movement seems to be improving.
Noah has also been playing tug with his brother Cruze, he has not done this for over two years now so it was a nice change for us to see him actively interacting even if he was sitting down while doing so. We haven't had the chance to weigh him yet but I think he is looking thinner and others at the park have mentioned this too.”

Week 3 Update
"I think because of the colder temperatures, Noah is struggling with his movement quite a lot. He struggles to get up from the floor. His hind legs don't seem to be able to support his weight to stand quickly so he tends to drag himself and then stand when he is able to. I am really hoping we see more improvement as the weeks continue. Running however does not seem to be an issue. As you see from the video, he does a waddle run down hill and is definitely more active at the park."

Week 4 Update
"He has been quite lethargic this week so far. Not sure if it's the weather or just not feeling like moving much. He had a bath on Saturday and I noticed his skin has improved significantly. I ordered two bottles of Algae oil so I have a feeling that has made all the difference. The rain has affected him and I noticed he prefers to sleep inside while the heater is on."

Week 5 Update

7 years old, Bull Terrier x Labrador
Iris is a rescue dog who had to have her back leg amputated after a car accident in November. We have worked hard to get her health to a good level, but I can tell she is still uncomfortable walking and some days she doesn't move except for food and to go to the toilet.
We believe these supplements will help her a lot and relieve any inflammation she has to give her a smooth movement, and to get back to running and walking enjoyably.
Week 1 Update
“Iris is already behaving like a completely different dog!! Her coat is now softer and not flaking and she seems to have a lot more energy and wants to play. She is eager for walks now instead of linking away from the sight of her harness and lets my young sons get closer to her with no uncomfortable growling so it's been a big win already.”

Week 2 Update
“Huge success this week! Iris has so much energy and enthusiasm for play and exercise which we have never seen from her before! She is running around and playing and can do so without being crippled in pain the next day!”

Week 3 Update
"Iris has had another great week, have really noticed the difference in how she moves around especially out on walks, he back end isn't as dropped and she is not throwing her back leg side to side as much, she has a nice strong hop now"

Week 4 Update
"Iris is absolutely smashing life right now. I have even had friends comment on how she's acting almost like a puppy, she has so much energy and enthusiasm right now.
She walked 1.2km this week which is an insane improvement from struggling to walk 300m! I couldn't be happier with her progress"

"Iris is absolutely thriving on Korure Pet. She is going for daily walks, she has joined a weekly pack adventure and is absolutely loving it. Her back body no longer dips and sways when she walks, she has a strong hop on her back leg. She is happy and enthusiastic and a completely different dog from the beginning of the campaign."

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Eucalyptus is a super smart sweet dog who loves the ocean. One week before Eucalyptus turned one he was diagnosed with bad hip dysplasia and required an immediate operation for best recovery predictions. He had a successful operation following his own lock-down recovery. He has a titanium hip on his left side with it predicted that he may likely need his right side operated and replaced although this is not guaranteed.
We are hoping with the help of the oil it will support him to live full pain free healthy life and help him continue to do all the things he loves
Week 1 Update

Week 2 Update
“Week two of the program and Eucalyptus is going well with no side effects digestive-wise which we are very pleased with. He is very happy to have the delicious mussel flavour in his diet and notably has picked up in terms of verve since commencing the product.
This week we have focused on long-term slower activities, including store shopping stimulation trips, regular walks and TV-watching times.
Eucalyptus is enjoying the product and trial and we are looking forward to the week ahead with the product having built up some more and we can see how it aids the week's activities.
You’ll see from some of the footage, that he lives his TV ‘adventures’ and has some cool techniques for using his couch stool to assist leverage of his favourite big cockatoo teddy onto the couch, for maximum TV cuddle time fun.”

Week 3 Update
"After a successful start to the campaign and gradually building up to the full dosage, after a few days of being at the Transformation Journey’s suggested increased level it may have been too much for him and created an adverse reaction as Eucalyptus developed an upset and then sore stomach. After a short break from the products, and some Pro-Kolin we purchased to aid best recovery, he was quickly good again.
We are picking up on the dose he was doing well on (half a scoop under the max for his size) and shall let you know how he goes. I don’t doubt he’ll be okay. He has certainly been missing the flavour that’s for sure.
After the stomach upset recovery we are back to normal activities and a good range of happy experiences late into week three.
Some highlights included Eucalyptus enjoying a ‘whole-family’ ball focussed activity (golf), shopping for his food and enjoying inspecting the store, a play at his favourite creek, training and after training fun, the fun discovery of a new tv character (a pink singing unicorn), some bird watching, time with his favourite TV show Bluey’s mouth sized Bingo watching the moon and listening for possums and bats, at the end of a happily fulfilling day."

Week 4 Update
"Eucalyptus is back to feeling great and enjoying the mussel flavour in his meals.
He’s had a good strong week, with activities, nothing too strenuous, but with some good enjoyable bursts playing with dogs and us at the beach. There's nothing better than a happy pain-free dog enjoying their life and the world around them.
He attended an artist's walk this morning, over some rugged terrain, and whilst he did look towards a friend's car as an alternative to walking up a steep hill at the end of the walk, he did well and is something at times I wouldn’t have done with him.
He also received three compliments about how soft and lovely his fur is, so that was a happy bonus for sweet Eucalyptus whilst experiencing his first group human walk. We’re looking forward to seeing this week combined with next week and what it delivers for his health."

Week 5 Update
Eucalyptus has had a great week!
He had a mix of activities and celebrated a good hip week with an epic outdoor dog adventure, running and playing, celebrating how good feeling good felt as you’ll see in the videos. This was complemented by some celebratory relaxing couch snuggles and of course ongoing use of ramps indoors to maximise fun outdoor time.
We are two weeks behind most of the other dogs on the product journey yet we look forward to continuing to see what longer term of use benefits may be achieved.

1 year old, American Staffordshire Cross
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When Hope turned one she was diagnosed with elbow dysplasia. Since then we have undergone surgery on both elbows in which they saw through one of her bones so that the alignment of her joints improves. She is now almost 5 months post op from her last surgery. Due to her diagnosis she is very prone to developing arthritis and other joint issues.
Her recovery and life will benefit from Kōrure pets supplements since green lipped mussel has proven to be beneficial for joint health and preventing/slowing down the development of arthritis.
Week 1 Update
“Hope loves the taste of the product, she has been licking her bowl clean after every meal which she didn't do beforehand. We have noticed a few differences in her. She runs longer on her walks and is getting stronger, her strength is noticeable in games such as tug of war. We have just started with exercises we got from her physio, so we hope to see a lot more progress with her on the supplement in progressing in her exercises.”

Week 2 Update
“Hope is still loving her food with the supplements and licking her bowl clean. We have continued working on the exercise given to us by her physio. Hope is slowly progressing with them. There has been a difference in Hope's body and the amount of muscle. Hope's muscles are more defined and growing which is amazing since they are a vital part of her recovery from surgery.
Hope has been more energetic this week and jumping more which could be because she feels more comfortable, stronger and less stiff. Hope has started to engage more in activities such as fetch. Hope’s zoomies have become more enthusiastic.”

Week 3 Update
"We have been noticing small improvements with Hope as the weeks progress. Hope is going on longer daily walks and continues to have zoomies even towards the end of the walk. This shows us she is in less discomfort. We have started incorporating more stairs and wobbly services into our walk. As seen in the video she walked across a wobbly bridge in the playground. This helps her use different muscles which are positive for recovery.
She is taking stairs slower which according to her physio is again a sign of less discomfort. Since this week Hope is using her elbows more to bend down to stiff instead of just putting her head down. Hope is able to do this due to progressing in muscle growth. All of the improvements we have seen are due to muscle growth which is no doubt a result of using the MP powder and oil supplements."

Week 4 Update
"We noticed Hope not putting her full weight on one of her legs towards the end of the day. This made us decide to focus more on training and building up strength than going for longer walks this week.
Hope responded well to this approach and as you can see in the videos of her walking, she maintained even pressure on both legs. These walks happened towards the end of the day and week. Hope has been giving us more attitude/spiciness, which we are not mad about since we see this as her energy levels returning and being happier.
We videoed one of our training sessions, we are working on strengthening all her muscles, bending, and lifting up her ankles while walking."

Week 5 Update
"Hope’s progress this week has been similar to previous week, we have seen steady progress in her strength and stamina. Hope loves playing tug of war and she just wants to keep going where as before she would end the game herself and lay down due to soreness or tiredness. The exercises given by her physio are going better and better, she is bending down more and lifting her ankles when walking over the obstacles.
Overall over the last 5 weeks since Hope has been taking her supplements, her fur has felt softer and looks shinier, she has not been shedding as much. She has grown a lot of muscle and increased her stamina. She is happier and more energetic. She goes on daily 30 to 40 minutes instead of the 20 minutes at the start. She has steadily progressed with her exercise given by her physio. Her physio has been happy with the progress she has made. Hope has been liking her bowl clean with every meal which she did not used to do before we added in the supplements."

9 years old, Labrador x Collie
Georgie has just come off Prednisone for her skin problems but we have now noticed she is suffering from arthritis pain.
We are looking for a good supplement to help her manage her pain and be more comfortable.
Week 1 Update
“Georgie is only having MP Powder and Algae oil due to a reaction she seemed to have being on the MP Oil. We find this combination to be best for her, the algae oil really helps her coat and skin health and we hope to see some more improvement in her mobility soon while taking the powder. She also seems to be enjoying the taste of the supplements.”

Week 2 Update
“Georgie is still adjusting to being taken off the MP Oil due to allergy reasons and appears to have a small limp this week. She still has the MP Powder with each meal and seems to love the taste. Georgie is also having Algae Oil which is doing wonders for her coat.”

Week 3 Update
"Georgie still has a small limp this week with not being able to be on the oil due to an allergy, but she has still been up and out for walks. She is also having algae oil with each meal to help with her coat and skin."

Week 4 Update
Unfortunately, Georgie hasn't improved from the GLM products. Her owners have decided it is best to take her off them from now on and only continue her on the Algae Oil to help with her skin and coat health.

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Chester has always been a very energetic dog who loves to play with toys, his sisters, as well as running with the farm bike and going for walks.
Unfortunately we have started to see a difference in his mobility and he is starting to slow down. We are hoping the green-lipped mussel supplements will help him to feel more comfortable and get back to doing the things he loves.
Week 1 Update
“Since using MP oil and MP powder, I have noticed Chester has more energy to do the things he loves, he’s been playing more, running, jumping, and doing everything he hasn’t been able to do before using these products. There are still moments where he’s a bit slow and sore which is expected when recovering from injury but he definitely seems to be improving and I can see how happy he is to be able to do things again.”

Week 2 Update
“Chester has had a slightly slower week but has still managed to run for his toy which he hasn't done for the past couple of months. Seeing him wanting to play with my puppy warms my heart and makes my puppy happy too. Hoping with a few more in a couple of days I’ll be able to take him for a 2km walk.”

Week 4 Update
"Chester has had a bit more of a slower week this week, there have been no visible changes. However, I have noticed that he is moving, jumping and sitting better without too much struggle."

Week 5 Update
"Chester is still continuing to move, jump and sit without as much struggle as he used to."

6 years old, NZ Heading Dog
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BJ was diagnosed with arthritis in three of his joints after suffering from an injury in agility. He was sidelined for a year to rest and recover. We have been trailing him on green-lipped mussel powder and have noticed a great improvement allowing him to go back to agility.
Our goal is to get an agility champ which is the highest level. He currently has four challenges and only needs two more to get this.
Week 1 Update
“Bj has already been on the powder for a few months and I think it has definitely made a big difference. He hasn't been too fussed about the oil so far as it is a new product for him. His limp has decreased and as you can see he's back competing. It will be interesting to see how he is at his next show on the 1st of June to see any differences there as he did struggle a little with his weaves at that show”

Week 2 Update
“BJ looking and feeling really good this week. Very very bouncy and happy as you'll see by the videos. I also think his coat has gone way shinier and blacker than it was.”

Week 3 Update
"This week has been getting ready for going away to Nelson show over king's birthday weekend. He's feeling very full of himself lol so it could be interesting to see how he goes."

Week 4 Update
"B was awesome and had some super runs, 2 x 2nds 1 in senior and 1 in A. He weaved really well and stayed well over the 3 days."

Week 5 Update
"Overall he's been pretty great and his coat is looking super black and shiny especially for winter. I think he ran better last weekend than at the start. He's definitely full of energy and full of himself."

check the main prize
Win a year's supply of supplement of your choice!
A year supply of
Green Lipped Mussel Oil

A year supply of
Green Lipped Mussel Powder

What are the key dates?
8th April
Campaign introduction announcement
15th - 29th April
Applications Open
30th April
Announcement of selected applicants
13th May - 14th June
Weekly updates following the transformations
21st-25th June
Public voting for the winner
26th June
Announce winner + runner ups
Who can apply?
We welcome all dogs and cats with health issues and individuals seeking to experience a transformative journey for their pets.
What are the terms and conditions?
You need to send photos with your pet's transformation journey using the google form on this page on specific dates.
Footage you supply will be copyrighted by us (you can use it / we can use it).